How to Calculate a Decrease by Percentage

How to Calculate a Decrease by Percentage

In our daily lives, we often encounter situations where we need to calculate the decrease in a value by a certain percentage. Understanding how to perform this calculation is crucial for making informed decisions in various contexts, such as finance, economics, and everyday problem-solving.

In this informative article, we will delve into the concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage. We will explore the underlying formula, provide step-by-step instructions, and illustrate the process with practical examples. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone seeking to enhance their mathematical skills, this article will guide you through the process of calculating percentage decreases with ease.

Before proceeding with the calculation, it is essential to understand the concept of percentage decrease. A percentage decrease represents the reduction in a value relative to its original value. It is expressed as a percentage of the original value and indicates the extent to which the value has decreased.

calculate decrease by percentage

To calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage, follow these important steps:

  • Identify original value
  • Determine percentage decrease
  • Calculate amount of decrease
  • Subtract decrease from original value
  • Express result as percentage
  • Check accuracy of calculation
  • Apply to real-world situations
  • Use online calculators (optional)

By following these steps, you can accurately calculate the decrease in a value by a given percentage.

Identify original value

The first step in calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage is to identify the original value. This is the value from which the decrease is being calculated. It represents the starting point or the initial amount before the decrease occurs.

In many practical scenarios, the original value is explicitly given or known. For instance, if you want to calculate the decrease in the price of a product that was originally priced at $100, then the original value is $100.

However, there might be situations where the original value is not explicitly stated. In such cases, you need to determine the original value based on the information available. For example, if you know that the price of a product has decreased by 20% and the current price is $80, you can calculate the original value using the following formula:

Original value = Current value / (1 - Percentage decrease as a decimal)

In this example, the percentage decrease as a decimal is 0.2 (20% expressed as a decimal). Plugging this value into the formula, we get:

Original value = $80 / (1 - 0.2) = $100

Therefore, the original value of the product was $100.

Once you have identified the original value, you can proceed with the calculation of the decrease by percentage.

Determine percentage decrease

Once you have identified the original value, the next step is to determine the percentage decrease. This represents the extent to which the value has decreased, expressed as a percentage of the original value.

  • Percentage decrease as a decimal:

    To calculate the percentage decrease as a decimal, divide the amount of decrease by the original value and then multiply by 100. The formula is:

    Percentage decrease as a decimal = (Amount of decrease / Original value) x 100

  • Percentage decrease as a percentage:

    To express the percentage decrease as a percentage, simply multiply the percentage decrease as a decimal by 100. The formula is:

    Percentage decrease as a percentage = Percentage decrease as a decimal x 100

  • Discount as a percentage decrease:

    In many scenarios, the percentage decrease is given in the form of a discount. For example, if a product is being sold at a 20% discount, then the percentage decrease is 20%. To calculate the percentage decrease as a decimal, divide the discount percentage by 100. The formula is:

    Percentage decrease as a decimal = Discount percentage / 100

  • Sale price as a percentage decrease:

    Sometimes, the percentage decrease is implied by the sale price. For instance, if a product is originally priced at $100 and is now being sold for $80, then the percentage decrease can be calculated using the following formula:

    Percentage decrease as a decimal = (Original price - Sale price) / Original price

By following these steps, you can accurately determine the percentage decrease for a given situation.

Calculate amount of decrease

Once you have determined the percentage decrease, you can calculate the amount of decrease by multiplying the original value by the percentage decrease as a decimal. The formula is:

Amount of decrease = Original value x Percentage decrease as a decimal

For example, if the original value is $100 and the percentage decrease is 20% (expressed as a decimal: 0.2), then the amount of decrease is:

Amount of decrease = $100 x 0.2 = $20

Therefore, the amount of decrease is $20.

Here are some additional points to consider when calculating the amount of decrease:

  • If the percentage decrease is given as a percentage, you need to divide it by 100 to convert it to a decimal before performing the calculation.
  • The amount of decrease can be a positive or negative value. A positive value indicates an increase, while a negative value indicates a decrease.
  • In some cases, the amount of decrease may need to be rounded to the nearest cent or other appropriate unit.

By following these steps, you can accurately calculate the amount of decrease for a given situation.

Once you have calculated the amount of decrease, you can proceed with the final step of calculating the new value after the decrease.

Subtract decrease from original value

The next step in calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage is to subtract the amount of decrease from the original value. This will give you the new value after the decrease.

The formula is:

New value = Original value - Amount of decrease

For example, if the original value is $100 and the amount of decrease is $20, then the new value is:

New value = $100 - $20 = $80

Therefore, the new value after the decrease is $80.

Here are some additional points to consider when subtracting the decrease from the original value:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct amount of decrease. If you use the wrong amount, you will get an incorrect new value.
  • The new value can be a positive or negative value. A positive value indicates an increase, while a negative value indicates a decrease.
  • In some cases, the new value may need to be rounded to the nearest cent or other appropriate unit.

By following these steps, you can accurately calculate the new value after the decrease for a given situation.

Once you have calculated the new value, you can proceed with the final step of expressing the decrease as a percentage.

Express result as percentage

The final step in calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage is to express the result as a percentage. This will allow you to easily compare the decrease to other values or to track changes over time.

To express the result as a percentage, you need to divide the amount of decrease by the original value and then multiply by 100. The formula is:

Percentage decrease = (Amount of decrease / Original value) x 100

For example, if the original value is $100 and the amount of decrease is $20, then the percentage decrease is:

Percentage decrease = ($20 / $100) x 100 = 20%

Therefore, the decrease can be expressed as 20%.

Here are some additional points to consider when expressing the result as a percentage:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct amount of decrease and original value. If you use the wrong values, you will get an incorrect percentage decrease.
  • The percentage decrease can be a positive or negative value. A positive value indicates an increase, while a negative value indicates a decrease.
  • In some cases, the percentage decrease may need to be rounded to the nearest whole number or other appropriate unit.

By following these steps, you can accurately express the decrease in a value by a percentage.

Once you have expressed the result as a percentage, you have completed the calculation of the decrease in a value by a percentage.

Check accuracy of calculation

Once you have completed the calculation of the decrease in a value by a percentage, it is important to check the accuracy of your calculation. This will ensure that you have used the correct formula and that you have not made any errors in your calculations.

There are a few ways to check the accuracy of your calculation:

  • Reverse the calculation: Start with the new value and work backwards to see if you can get back to the original value. If you can, then your calculation is likely to be accurate.
  • Use a calculator: If you have access to a calculator, you can use it to check your calculations. Simply enter the original value, the percentage decrease, and the amount of decrease, and then check if the calculator gives you the same result as you did.
  • Use an online calculator: There are many online calculators available that can help you calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage. Simply enter the original value and the percentage decrease, and the calculator will give you the amount of decrease and the new value.

If you find any discrepancies between your calculations and the results from the calculator, then you should review your calculations carefully to identify and correct any errors.

By checking the accuracy of your calculation, you can ensure that you have calculated the decrease in a value by a percentage correctly.

Apply to real-world situations

The concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage has a wide range of applications in real-world situations. Here are a few examples:

  • Discounts and sales: When a product is being sold at a discount, the percentage decrease represents the amount of savings that the customer will get compared to the original price. For example, if a product is originally priced at $100 and is being sold at a 20% discount, then the customer will save $20 (20% of $100).
  • Taxes and fees: Many taxes and fees are calculated as a percentage of the original value. For example, sales tax is often calculated as a percentage of the purchase price. By knowing the percentage of the tax or fee, you can easily calculate the amount of tax or fee that you need to pay.
  • Investment returns: When you invest your money, you expect to earn a return on your investment. The percentage return on investment (ROI) represents the amount of profit or loss that you have made compared to your original investment. By calculating the ROI, you can determine the performance of your investment.
  • Population growth and decline: The growth or decline of a population can be expressed as a percentage. This is useful for tracking population trends and making projections about future population size.

These are just a few examples of the many real-world situations where calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage can be useful. By understanding how to perform this calculation, you can make informed decisions and solve problems in a variety of contexts.

Use online calculators (optional)

While it is possible to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage manually using the formulas provided in this article, there are also a number of online calculators available that can do the calculation for you. These calculators are often easy to use and can save you time and effort, especially if you are performing multiple calculations or if you are not comfortable with mathematical calculations.

To use an online calculator, simply enter the original value and the percentage decrease, and the calculator will give you the amount of decrease and the new value. Some calculators may also allow you to specify the number of decimal places to round the result to.

Here are a few examples of online calculators that you can use to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage:

  • Percentage Calculator
  • Percent Decrease Calculator
  • Percentage Decrease Calculator

These calculators are just a few examples, and there are many other reputable online calculators available. Simply search for "percentage decrease calculator" or "decrease by percentage calculator" to find a calculator that meets your needs.

Whether you choose to use an online calculator or perform the calculation manually, the important thing is to understand the concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage and to be able to apply it to real-world situations.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using calculators to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage:

Question 1: What is the easiest way to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage using a calculator?
Answer 1: The easiest way to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage using a calculator is to use a percentage decrease calculator. These calculators are available online and can be used to quickly and easily calculate the amount of decrease and the new value.

Question 2: Can I use a regular calculator to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage?
Answer 2: Yes, you can use a regular calculator to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage. However, you will need to use the following formula: Amount of decrease = Original value x Percentage decrease as a decimal. Once you have calculated the amount of decrease, you can subtract it from the original value to get the new value.

Question 3: What if I don't have access to a calculator?
Answer 3: If you don't have access to a calculator, you can use a pen and paper to perform the calculation. Simply follow the steps outlined in this article to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage manually.

Question 4: How can I check the accuracy of my calculation?
Answer 4: There are a few ways to check the accuracy of your calculation. One way is to use a calculator to perform the calculation again. Another way is to use an online calculator. Finally, you can also check your calculation by reversing it. Start with the new value and work backwards to see if you can get back to the original value.

Question 5: What are some tips for using a calculator to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage?
Answer 5: Here are a few tips for using a calculator to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage:

  • Make sure that you enter the original value and the percentage decrease correctly.
  • Be careful not to press the wrong buttons on the calculator.
  • If you are using an online calculator, make sure that you select the correct calculation option.
  • Check your calculation carefully before you use the result.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage?
Answer 6: There are many resources available online and in libraries that can help you learn more about calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage. You can also find many helpful tutorials and videos online.

Remember, the most important thing is to understand the concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage and to be able to apply it to real-world situations.

In addition to using a calculator, there are a few other tips that can help you calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage more easily and accurately.


In addition to using a calculator, here are a few tips that can help you calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage more easily and accurately:

Tip 1: Understand the concept
Before you start calculating, make sure that you understand the concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage. This means understanding what the original value, the percentage decrease, the amount of decrease, and the new value are. Once you understand these concepts, the calculation will be much easier.

Tip 2: Use a reputable calculator
If you are using an online calculator, make sure that you use a reputable calculator from a trusted source. This will help ensure that the calculator is accurate and reliable.

Tip 3: Check your work
Once you have calculated the decrease in a value by a percentage, always check your work. This means checking to make sure that you have entered the correct values into the calculator and that you have performed the calculation correctly. You can check your work by using a different calculator or by performing the calculation manually.

Tip 4: Use the right formula
If you are not using a calculator, make sure that you use the correct formula to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage. The formula is: Amount of decrease = Original value x Percentage decrease as a decimal.

By following these tips, you can calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage more easily, accurately, and confidently.

Now that you know how to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage, you can apply this skill to a variety of real-world situations. Whether you are calculating a discount on a product, figuring out how much tax you owe, or tracking the growth of a population, being able to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage is a valuable skill that can help you make informed decisions and solve problems.


In this comprehensive article, we have explored the concept of calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage. We have learned how to identify the original value, determine the percentage decrease, calculate the amount of decrease, subtract the decrease from the original value, and express the result as a percentage. We have also discussed the importance of checking the accuracy of our calculations and applying this skill to real-world situations.

Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone seeking to enhance your mathematical skills, understanding how to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage is a valuable asset. This skill can be used in a wide range of scenarios, from calculating discounts and taxes to tracking population growth and making investment decisions.

With the help of calculators and the tips and tricks provided in this article, you can perform these calculations quickly and accurately. Remember, the key to success is to understand the underlying concepts and to practice regularly. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become in calculating the decrease in a value by a percentage.

So, the next time you encounter a situation where you need to calculate the decrease in a value by a percentage, don't be intimidated. Follow the steps outlined in this article, and you will be able to solve the problem with ease.

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